ArcelorMittal and BioÉnergie AE Côte-Nord Canada announce a major agreement for the Côte-Nord economy and the beginning of the energy transition at the Port-Cartier pellet plant

Réjean Paré, President and Chief Operating Officer of Groupe Rémabec, Steeve Beaupré, Mayor of Sept-Îles, Lorraine Richard, deputy of Duplessis, Alain Thibault, Mayor of Port-Cartier and Mapi Mobwano, President and Chief Executive Officer of ArcelorMittal Mining Canada. Credit : Julien Choquette

Port-Cartier, May 11, 2022 – At a press conference today, ArcelorMittal Mining Canada (“ArcelorMittal”) and BioÉnergie AE Côte-Nord Canada (“BioÉnergie”), a corporation held in part by Groupe Rémabec/Arbec Forest Products Inc. announced the signing of a three-year agreement for the delivery of 16 million litres of pyrolytic oil per year to the ArcelorMittal pellet plant.

“Today’s announcement marks the materialization of the start of our energy transition. The pyrolytic oil produced locally by BioÉnergie will allow us ultimately to reduce our use of heavy oil by 23% at our Port-Cartier plant. This is a structuring project that unites the two major resources of the Côte-Nord region: iron and the forest. This is tremendous news for the entire region and we are delighted,” declared Mapi Mobwano, President and Chief Executive Officer of ArcelorMittal Mining Canada.

The introduction of pyrolytic oil, a renewable fuel produced from wood residues, will allow an annual reduction of 57,600 tonnes of CO2 equivalent at the Port-Cartier pellet plant, which corresponds to removing 14,000 vehicles from the roads each year. Let us recall that the ArcelorMittal Group has made the commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 25% by 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2050.

“We are proud of this partnership with ArcelorMittal that allows us to create 30 quality jobs in the Côte-Nord region, at BioÉnergie alone. Our group constantly looks for new ways to valorize forest fibre and sawmill by-products sustainably. With ArcelorMittal, we wish to stand out by local production of a renewable energy source that contributes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The entire community wins,” explained Réjean Paré, President and Chief Operating Officer of Groupe Rémabec.

To produce its pyrolytic oil, BioÉnergie will use the wood residues of Arbec Lumber, another affiliate of Groupe Rémabec. The agreement announced today also includes the use of ArcelorMittal’s railway by Arbec, based on 80 trains per year to transport wood from its forest camps to its Port-Cartier sawmill.

About ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P.
and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P.

Subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel and mining company and among the top five producers of iron ore products globally, ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. (“AMIC”) and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. (“AMMC”) are two complementary entities operating on Quebec’s North Shore. AMIC ensures the transport of concentrate between Mont-Wright and Port-Cartier, and operates a seaport in Port-Cartier to transport and ship AMMC’s products to four continents. AMMC produces iron oxide concentrate and pellets for the steel market. The two companies employ approximately 2,500 people, making ArcelorMittal the largest employer in the North Shore region.

About BioÉnergie AE Côte-Nord Canada and
Groupe Rémabec/Arbec Forest Products Inc.

Located in Port-Cartier, Bioénergie AE Côte-Nord Canada is a plant intended for production of renewable liquid fuels made from residual forest biomass. Groupe Rémabec is the biggest private forest contractor in Québec and one of the province’s leading sawmills, ensuring direct quality jobs for nearly 2000 people. Groupe Rémabec operates 50 subsidiaries and 11 plants in the Mauricie, Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, Côte-Nord and Capitale-Nationale regions and in Montréal. Arbec Forest Products Inc. owns two oriented strand board production plants in Mauricie and New Brunswick and employs nearly 300 people.

Centraide Duplessis Receives a Record Donation from ArcelorMittal and its Fermont and Port-Cartier Employees

Port-Cartier, April 26,  2022 – ArcelorMittal Mines and Infrastructure Canada and its employees, along with the United Steelworkers and its five local unions, are once again demonstrating their strong roots in their communities. Their solidarity, commitment and generosity have made it possible to donate a record amount of $271,728 to Centraide Duplessis this year.

“Poverty and social exclusion never take a pause, and community organizations work tirelessly to support the daily lives of those who are less fortunate. I’m extremely proud that, with our employees, we can help Centraide Duplessis to better meet the growing needs of the entire region. Being part of the North Shore community means not only living and working here, but also caring about others and being sensitive to them. We sincerely thank all our employees and the team who collected the donations. They did an extraordinary job,” said Mapi Mobwano, President and CEO of ArcelorMittal Mining Canada.

“For us, giving back to organizations on the North Shore is part of our DNA. The mere fact of giving a record amount of money this year is a testament to our members’ attachment to and solidarity with the region. Centraide Duplessis contributes to improving the quality of life of our fellow citizens, and the response of our members and ArcelorMittal illustrates our gratitude and confidence in Centraide,” said Marc Duchaine, United Steelworkers union representative for the North Shore, Lower St. Lawrence, Gaspé and Magdalen Islands.

About ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P.

and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P.

Subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel and mining company and among the top five producers of iron ore products globally, ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. (“AMIC”) and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. (“AMMC”) are two complementary entities operating on Quebec’s North Shore. AMIC ensures the transport of concentrate between Mont-Wright and Port-Cartier, and operates a seaport in Port-Cartier to transport and ship AMMC’s products to four continents. AMMC produces iron oxide concentrate and pellets for the steel market. The two companies employ approximately 2,500 people, making ArcelorMittal the largest employer in the North Shore region.

About the United Steelworkers

The United Steelworkers Union, affiliated with the FTQ, is the largest private sector union in Quebec. It represents more than 60,000 workers in all economic sectors.

First ship of the year: ArcelorMittal presents its steel-headed cane to the captain of the Santa Barbara

Port-Cartier, January 21, 2022 – ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. (“ArcelorMittal”) presented the 2022 edition of its steel-headed cane to Captain Aldwin Revelar of the bulk carrier Santa Barbara, the first ship to leave its Port-Cartier port facilities this year.

Originating from the Netherlands, the ship will depart ArcelorMittal’s port facilities today at 16:01 bound for Asia, carrying more than 155,000 tonnes of iron ore concentrate aboard. The bulk carrier Santa Barbara was built in 2015. It measures 295 metres long by 46 metres wide.  

In 2021, ArcelorMittal’s port facilities in Port-Cartier welcomed 409 ships, performed more than 900 port entry and exit manoeuvres and handled over 25 million tonnes of iron ore, raw materials, fuel and grain.  

ArcelorMittal’s internationally recognized port at Port-Cartier is the largest private port in Canada and has been part of our heritage for over 60 years.

About ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P.
and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P.

Subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel and mining company and among the top five producers of iron ore products globally, ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. (“AMIC”) and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. (“AMMC”) are two complementary entities operating on Quebec’s North Shore. AMIC ensures the transport of concentrate between Mont-Wright and Port-Cartier, and operates a seaport in Port-Cartier to transport and ship AMMC’s products to four continents. AMMC produces iron oxide concentrate and pellets for the steel market. The two companies employ approximately 2,500 people, making ArcelorMittal the largest employer in the North Shore region.

ArcelorMittal pays tribute to its builders of yesterday and today in its Corporate Manifesto

Longueuil, December 14, 2021 – ArcelorMittal Mines and Infrastructure Canada (“ArcelorMittal”) today launched its first Corporate Manifesto, which seeks to salute the work of its teams, the power of collaboration and the importance of respecting a heritage of several generations for those who will follow.

Sometimes it is said that ArcelorMittal is the best-kept secret in Québec. Every person, every business and every company on the North Shore, but also throughout Québec, benefits from the organization’s positive effects. Beyond the gigantic equipment and facilities that make ArcelorMittal’s reputation on the North Shore, there are its people, the 2,500 women and men who work there every day with heart and determination.

“Since 2020, we are engaged in a profound transformation, and this Manifesto echoes our will to put our people at the heart of all our actions. Today we are taking a new step by putting the spotlight on everything we represent together and to which we aspire. I am especially proud of what we accomplish every day, and I have confidence we will go even farther,” declared Mr. Mapi Mobwano, President and Chief Executive Officer.

The Manifesto can be viewed on the following link: In parallel, ArcelorMittal Mines and Infrastructure Canada proceeded with a complete overhaul of its website to reflect the great ambitions the company nurtures for the future.

About ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P.

Subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel company and one of the five biggest international iron ore producers, ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. (“AMIC”) and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. (“AMMC”) are two complementary companies operating in Quebec’s North Shore region. AMIC ensures the transportation of concentrate between Mont-Wright and Port-Cartier and operates a seaport at Port-Cartier, allowing transportation and shipping of AMMC products to four continents. AMMC produces concentrate and iron oxide pellets for the steel market. The two companies employ over 2,500 people, making ArcelorMittal the biggest employer on the North Shore.

ArcelorMittal devient Grand partenaire de Cancer Fermont

Fermont, le 13 décembre 2021 – ArcelorMittal Mines et Infrastructure Canada (« ArcelorMittal ») est fière de remettre 25 000 $ à l’organisme Cancer Fermont. ArcelorMittal devient ainsi Grand partenaire de l’organisme, dont la mission est d’accompagner les Fermontois atteints d’un cancer, d’offrir un apport financier direct, en plus de leur venir en aide pendant et après leurs traitements.

« Nous sommes touchés par la mission de Cancer Fermont et par l’engagement communautaire exceptionnel de son fondateur, M. Denis Grenier. C’est un honneur pour ArcelorMittal de joindre ses efforts à ceux de ce pilier de la communauté fermontoise et d’ap Cancer Fermont de continuer d’accompagner les personnes atteintes d’un cancer avec toute la bienveillance et l’humanité qu’on leur connaît », a déclaré Mapi Mobwano, président et chef de la direction.

Depuis maintenant 16 ans, les bénévoles de Cancer Fermont offrent leur temps aux personnes vivant avec le cancer en les soutenant moralement et financièrement durant cette épreuve.

À propos de ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada s.e.n.c.
et de ArcelorMittal Exploitation minière Canada s.e.n.c.

Filiales de ArcelorMittal, chef de file de l’acier dans le monde et l’un des cinq plus grands producteurs de minerai de fer à l’échelle internationale, ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada s.e.n.c. (« AMIC ») et ArcelorMittal Exploitation minière Canada s.e.n.c. (« AMEM ») sont deux entités complémentaires œuvrant sur la Côte-Nord du Québec. AMIC assure le transport de concentré entre Mont-Wright et Port-Cartier et exploite un port de mer à Port-Cartier permettant de transporter et d’expédier les produits d’AMEM sur quatre continents. AMEM produit du concentré et des boulettes d’oxyde de fer destinés au marché de l’acier. Les deux entreprises emploient plus de 2 500 personnes, faisant de ArcelorMittal le plus grand employeur de la Côte-Nord.

ArcelorMittal announces CAD$205 million decarbonisation investment in its flagship Canadian mining operations with support from the Quebec government

At an event held at COP26 today, ArcelorMittal (‘the Company’) and the government of Quebec announced a CAD$205 million investment by ArcelorMittal Mining Canada (‘AMMC’) in its Port-Cartier pellet plant, enabling this facility to convert its entire 110 million tonne annual pellet production to direct reduced iron (‘DRI’) pellets by the end of 2025.

The investment, in which the Quebec government will contribute through an electricity rebate of up to CAD$80 million, will enable the Port-Cartier plant to become one of the world’s largest producers of DRI pellets, the raw material feedstock for ironmaking in a DRI furnace. The project includes the implementation of a flotation system that will enable a significant reduction of silica in the iron ore pellets, facilitating the production of a very high-quality pellet.

The project will deliver a direct annual CO2e reduction of approximately 200,000 tonnes at AMMC’s Port-Cartier pellet plant, equivalent to over 20% of the pellet plant’s total annual CO2e emissions. This reduction in CO2e emissions will be achieved through a reduction in the energy required during the pelletising process.

A DRI plant uses natural gas to reduce iron ore, resulting in a significant reduction in CO2 emissions compared with coal-based blast furnace ironmaking. In Hamburg, Germany, ArcelorMittal is trialing replacing natural gas with hydrogen to make DRI, with its industrial scale pilot project anticipated to be commissioned before the end of 2025. The DRI installations the Company has announced it is developing in Belgium, Canada and Spain are all being constructed to be hydrogen-ready, so as and when green hydrogen is available in sufficient quantities at affordable prices the Company can produce DRI with near zero-carbon emissions.

Approximately 250 jobs are expected to be created during the construction phase of the project in Port-Cartier, which is scheduled to be begin mid-2023 and complete before the end of 2025.

Expressing the Quebec government’s support for the project, Premier François Legault said:
“With this project, the Port-Cartier plant will become one of the world’s largest producers of direct reduction pellets. The market is increasingly evolving towards this technology. We are therefore ensuring that ArcelorMittal will continue to create wealth in Quebec for many years. We are positioning our regions at the heart of the green economy of tomorrow. My message to companies looking for a place to reduce their GHG emissions is come and see us. We’ll help you carry out your projects promptly. Quebec is the best place in the world to invest in the green economy. To build together a greener, more prosperous and prouder Quebec.’’

Aditya Mittal, ArcelorMittal CEO, said:

“This project has an important role to play in our efforts to reduce our group’s CO2e emissions intensity by 25% by 2030, and our longer-term ambition to reach net zero by 2050. Not only does it deliver a significant reduction in our emissions at AMMC, but it also expands our ability to produce high-quality direct reduced iron pellets, which we will need in significant volumes as we transition to DRI-EAF steelmaking at our steel plants in Canada and Europe.

“I am grateful to Premier Legault and his government for the support it is providing in realising this project. It is the first significant decarbonisation project we have announced for our mining business and fitting that we are able to make this announcement at COP26 as it exemplifies the transformational change we need to deliver this decade as we move towards becoming a carbon-neutral business.”

Mapi Mobwano, CEO, ArcelorMittal Mining Canada, added:

“This investment will see us become one of the biggest direct reduction pellet producers in the world, thereby propelling ArcelorMittal Mining Canada into the forefront of mining and steel decarbonisation. From 2025 onwards we will have the capacity to produce ten million tonnes of very high-quality iron oxide pellets, with low silica content and high iron density, which will be highly strategic in the years ahead. This transformation will enable us to reduce our own current emissions by 200,000 tonnes of CO2e per year – equivalent to removing 57,600 cars from the road each year. Moreover, it will support a significant reduction in the carbon footprint of primary steelmaking. These pellets are the feedstock for DRI-EAF steelmaking, which given its significantly lower carbon footprint is expected to replace a significant amount of blast furnace capacity in the coming decades. It also provides a boost to the local economy and community as 250 jobs will be created for the construction phase which will start in the summer of 2023.”

About ArcelorMittal
ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel and mining company, with a presence in 60 countries and primary steelmaking facilities in 17 countries. In 2020, ArcelorMittal had revenues of $53.3 billion and crude steel production of 71.5 million metric tonnes, while iron ore production reached 58.0 million metric tonnes.

Our goal is to help build a better world with smarter steels. Steels made using innovative processes which use less energy, emit significantly less carbon and reduce costs. Steels that are cleaner, stronger and reusable. Steels for electric vehicles and renewable energy infrastructure that will support societies as they transform through this century. With steel at our core, our inventive people and an entrepreneurial culture at heart, we will support the world in making that change. This is what we believe it takes to be the steel company of the future.

ArcelorMittal is listed on the stock exchanges of New York (MT), Amsterdam (MT), Paris (MT),
Luxembourg (MT) and on the Spanish stock exchanges of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia (MTS).

For more information about ArcelorMittal please visit:


ArcelorMittal makes a commitment to Centre d’Action Bénévole de Port-Cartier as a major partner with a $600,000 donation.

PORT-CARTIER, October 21, 2021 – ArcelorMittal Mines and Infrastructure Canada
(“PORT-CARTIER, October 21, 2021 – ArcelorMittal Mines and Infrastructure Canada (“ArcelorMittal”) is proud to announce its support as major partner of Centre d’Action Bénévole de Port-Cartier with a $600,000 donation to the project relocating the Centre to the former St-Alexandre de Port-Cartier church.

our desire to be a committed corporate citizen. This partnership is of great
“By supporting this promising project, we are proud to affirm our commitment as a responsible corporate citizen even more strongly. This partnership is very important for ArcelorMittal because it will allow a sustainable improvement of the mission of Centre d’Action Bénévole de Port-Cartier. It therefore will benefit the entire local population,” declared Mapi Mobwano, President and Chief Executive Officer of ArcelorMittal.

Scheduled for winter 2023 for a total value estimated at $4 million, the project will allow the addition of four new services to the Centre d’Action Bénévole’s offering: a food assistance counter and cold storage rooms, a room adapted for a day centre, a highcapacity participatory kitchen, and a large hall that will be made accessible to businesses and people from the region.

“This is the biggest donation in the history of Centre d’Action Bénévole de Port-Cartier, and ArcelorMittal’s contribution is of inestimable value for our organization’s mission. Above all, the scope of this partnership represents an enormous step forward in making our relocation project a reality. We are delighted with the confidence shown by our major partner and we hope this announcement will encourage other local community leaders to support our mutual aid mission,” declared Laurencia Bond, Executive Director of Centre d’Action Bénévole de Port-Cartier.

The Centre d’Action Bénévole de Port-Cartier relocation project also provides for the upgrade of the former St-Alexandre church, which will allow revitalization of the building’s historic and heritage aspects and ensure its preservation for future generations. Organized in collaboration with the Conseil du Patrimoine religieux du Québec (CPRQ), the approach will make it possible to provide essential assistance to the local community and develop the region’s religious heritage.

About ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P.

Subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel company and one of the five biggest international iron ore producers, ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. (“AMIC”) and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. (“AMEM”) are two complementary companies operating in Quebec’s North Shore region. AMIC ensures the transportation of concentrate between Mont-Wright and Port-Cartier and operates a seaport at PortCartier, allowing transportation and shipping of AMEM products to four continents. AMMC produces concentrate and iron oxide pellets for the steel market. The two companies employ over 2,500 people, making ArcelorMittal the biggest employer on the North Shore.


ArcelorMittal receives the highest distinction in Quebec for fire prevention.

Fermont, Quebec, October 18, 2021 – ArcelorMittal Mines and Infrastructure Canada
(Fermont, Quebec, October 18, 2021 – ArcelorMittal Mines and Infrastructure Canada (“ArcelorMittal”) is proud to announce that, jointly with PMU Québec, it has won the Prix Triangle Vert 2020 of the Association des techniciens en prévention incendie du Québec (ATPIQ). This award recognized the high quality and scope of the emergency preparedness plans instituted by the organization and its Safety and Facilities Protection team.

Awarded by the ATPIQ, the Quebec reference in promotion of prevention and education in fire prevention, the Prix Triangle Vert is the most prestigious in its category in Quebec. The Prix Triangle Vert is generally won by municipal departments with the highest standards in the field, so ArcelorMittal is especially proud to receive this award and to become part of this select club recognized by the ATPIQ.

“We salute the remarkable work accomplished by our Safety and Facilities Protection teams. We are delighted that the ATPIQ has spotlighted the quality of our emergency preparedness plan by awarding the Prix Triangle Vert 2020. One of the pillars of our major transformation project is to offer a safe and healthy work environment and apply the highest standards in this field. This recognition is all the more appreciated, given that it confirms the excellence of our practices,” declared Guy Belleau, ArcelorMittal’s Chief Operating Officer.

About ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P.
Subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel company and one of the five biggest international iron ore producers, ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. (“AMIC”) and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. (“AMEM”) are two complementary company’s operating in Quebec’s North Shore region. AMIC ensures the transportation of concentrate between Mont-Wright and Port-Cartier and operates a seaport at PortCartier, allowing transportation and shipping of AMEM products to four continents. AMMC produces concentrate and iron oxide pellets for the steel market. The two companies employ over 2,500 people, making ArcelorMittal the biggest employer on the North Shore.

About PMU Québec
Since its founding in 2007, PMU Québec has adopted the mission of developing efficient emergency preparedness tools for companies and organizations seeking to be on the cutting edge of requirements in this field. As the leader in emergency preparedness in Quebec, the organization is recognized, by its clients, by its peers and by all decisionmakers in the civil protection field, for the quality of its work and especially for implementation of emergency measures and all kinds of training.

ArcelorMittal celebrates the 60th anniversary of its seaport at Port-Cartier

ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada (« ArcelorMittal ») est fière de souligner le 60e anniversaire de la toute première expédition de minerai de fer au départ du port de mer de Port-Cartier.

Port-Cartier, July 7, 2021 – ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada (“ArcelorMittal”) is proud to mark the 60th anniversary of the very first iron ore shipment from the seaport of Port-Cartier. In July 1961, the first vessel left Port-Cartier with the inaugural cargo. The construction of what would become the largest private port in Canada had been completed two months earlier.

Excavated from the bedrock and built by human hands over more than two years, the port of Port-Cartier represented a true feat of engineering in that period. Now active 365 days a year, the ArcelorMittal port at Port-Cartier ships over 26 million tonnes a year of iron ore, raw materials, fuel and grain to the international markets. An average of 450 vessels access the port each year, involving more than 900 arrival and departure manoeuvres.


“Our port is recognized internationally and has been part of our heritage for 60 years. Several generations have worked there with constant commitment to improvement. We are proud to welcome a dynamic, competent and motivated succession to continue this work. This anniversary reminds us how much we can be proud of the progress made and the promising future that lies ahead of us,” declared Mapi Mobwano, Chair of the ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada Management Committee.

“Operating a port on this scale brings its share of challenges, complex logistics and meteorological factors that solicit our teams’ specialized expertise. Since 1961, over 1.1 billion tonnes have been shipped. In December 2020, we reached a historic record with 2,822,734 tonnes shipped during this month, beating the record of 2,669,732 tonnes set in December 2018. We are proud to work here, and I thank our teams of passionate experts who ensure its efficient operation in total safety every day,” added Michael LaBrie, General Manager, Infrastructure.

Handling begins at the dumper with the arrival of each train of iron ore concentrate from the Mont-Wright (Fermont) mining complex. Two railcars are unloaded at a time and an average of 245,000 railcars are unloaded each year. The concentrate is then routed either to the pellet plant to fabricate iron ore pellets, or to load the vessels for shipping to four continents. The ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada team, which ensures the operation of the port and the railway, is comprised of over 600 skilled workers.

About ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P.

Subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel and mining company and among the top five producers of iron ore products globally, ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. (“AMIC”) and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. (“AMMC”) are two complementary entities operating on Quebec’s North Shore. AMIC ensures the transport of concentrate between Mont-Wright and Port-Cartier, and operates a seaport in Port-Cartier to transport and ship AMMC’s products to four continents. AMMC produces iron oxide concentrate and pellets for the steel market. The two companies employ approximately 2,500 people, making ArcelorMittal the largest employer in the North Shore region.

End of the labor dispute at ArcelorMittal.

LONGUEUIL, June 8, 2021 – ArcelorMittal Mines and Infrastructure Canada (“ArcelorMittal”) confirms that today its workers ratified the agreement in principle reached between the company’s management and the negotiating committees of the five local unions of the United Steelworkers.

The labour dispute that began on May 10 ended this evening at 8 p.m., in accordance with the back-to-work protocol agreed to by the two parties. The new four-year collective labour agreement will provide stability for both employees and all the company’s partners.

“We are happy to turn the page on this conflict. The past few weeks have been a time to pause and start anew. We look forward to welcoming back our employees and I personally assure them of my commitment, as well as that of all managers and executives, to a safe and healthy work environment where respect must prevail,” declared Mapi Mobwano, President and Chief Executive Officer of ArcelorMittal Mining Canada and Chairman of the management committee of ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada.

About ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P.

Subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel and mining company and among the top five producers of iron ore products globally, ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. (“AMIC”) and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. (“AMMC”) are two complementary entities operating on Quebec’s North Shore. AMIC ensures the transport of concentrate between Mont-Wright and Port-Cartier, and operates a seaport in Port-Cartier to transport and ship AMMC’s products to four continents. AMMC produces iron oxide concentrate and pellets for the steel market. The two companies employ approximately 2,500 people, making ArcelorMittal the largest employer in the North Shore region.